Sunday, April 12, 2009

Video blogging explained...

Hey fans!

Unfortunately, I will not be explaining to you how upload videos. I will only be showing Bambi and Mary. For the rest of you, read a book!

Your friend,
Sir Robyn

P.S. Here is a video, to enjoy!

A new blog post with a twist!

This is a picture of me, Bambi (the cute one) and Mirabel (also cute, but no flower in her hair) enjoying eggs Benedict on a beautiful Easter Sunday afternoon.

Hey fans!

This blog entry is going to have a picture! OMGWTFBBQ!!! Can you believe that it only took 'til my third blog post to put a picture??? Unbelievable to me!!!

Sir Robyn

My second blog of the day...

Hey fans,

Today is one of those special days where I post two things. Can you believe it? The trees are still blooming and the sun is out and it is such a gorgeous day for laundry and blogging.

Easter Blogging Sunday

Today is the first Easter that I have ever blogged. I am showing others, so that they can also blog on Easter. I have never done this on a Sunday... or on a hill, or with hibiscus trees in the back yard, or on an Easter.