Thursday, April 23, 2009

My "to do" list...

Oh my brothers and sisters,

I've barely begun to blog and I think that it is impossible to continue using someone else's software. Blogger is a fine product but I need to create my own blog sofware... it's what I do.

To get to where I can create my own blog I need to create:

  • some nice reliable image uploading/downloading/resizing routines
  • a nice little archive box
  • a place for people to add themselves and followers
  • some sort of comment boxes so that people can comment
  • an RSS feed so people can follow my blog in their blog readers
  • ... and some other things that I can't think of.

Oh this is going to be some huge pile of work but it will be worth it.

Time to code. Wish me luck,
Sir Robyn

About my Balls...

Hello my friends,

I'd like to talk to you about my balls. I'm speaking of the icons I've created for my various departments at So far I have a nice set of balls, but somehow I think I need more... more balls. I've commissioned a good friend to help and I think this is the list of sub-departments that I'm considering. Please comment if you think I need more balls... or if this is too many balls.

Your friend,
Sir Robyn

P.S. Here they are:


- Cinema

- Television/Radio

- Sports

- Stage

- Games


- Poetry

- Prose

- Drama

- Comics/Manga


- Politics

- War

- Law

- Culture

- History

- Clowns


- Composers

- Instruments

- Musical Groups

- Recordings


- Mathematics

- Biology

- Chemistry

- Physics

- Medicine

- Engineering

- Computers

The Arts

- Painting/Drawing

- Sculpture

- Photography

- Architecture

- Fashion