Today I write to you with good news and yet, no news. I have been busily working on one of the parts of my "to do" list related to creating an image server for my site(s). I have a pretty good idea of how I want to do it, but it is slow. I have dual purposes, namely to make it an effective image server *and* to make it work with the same markup language as mediaWiki (the guys who write the code for Wikipedia).
Since I'll be starting out with a lot of Wikipedia-borrowed content, I hope to use as much of their markup language as possible in my own articles and commentaries. I hope this task doesn't prove to be too daunting, though I have managed to code a lot of the eccentricities of mediaWiki's markup language into my own code already. I need some time off to focus on this more closely... I have more ideas than time right now.
Oh keep your eyes posted my friends,
Sir Robyn